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Won't it hurt to revaccinate every 4-6 months?
Won't it hurt to revaccinate every 4-6 months?
Won't it hurt to revaccinate every 4-6 months?

Such questions began to arise after the news that Israel began to administer the 4th dose of the vaccine to people over 60 years old, those with immune problems, and health workers. 

Also in Turkey, they began to offer the 5th dose to certain groups of the population.

However, it is not yet known whether the practice of frequent revaccinations will be the same for all countries.

But it is known that at least the European Medical Agency (EMA) is cautious about this idea.

At a press briefing, Marco Cavalieri, Head of Biological Health Threats and Vaccine Strategy at the EMA, said that there is currently little data to consider such a strategy effective. 

He also said that revaccination every 4-6 months can psychologically tire people and develop a certain "resistance". That is, according to him, the immune response to booster doses will not be as effective as we hope.

Perhaps booster doses will be given at longer intervals, and it will become more like flu vaccination.

So, now we are not talking about any harm, the booster dose is quite safe, and as stated by the chief sanitary doctor Igor Kuzin, after the booster dose, no increase in side effects is registered.

We are talking about the feasibility of this approach, but more research is needed to determine the most effective strategy. 

It is important to remember:

  • the booster significantly increases our protection against the disease and its severe manifestations;

  • there are clear recommendations on which vaccine should be preferred. If it is a booster dose - then mRNA vaccines.

  • Some studies show that those who have been vaccinated with Moderna can be effectively protected with a third vaccine. However, this is the data of only one study, and it does not mean that you should throw all your efforts into finding the Moderna vaccine. The best protection is the one next to it;

  • You can choose a different vaccine if you had a severe allergic reaction to the mRNA vaccine and your doctor advises you to get a different schedule;

  • Do not engage in amateur activities. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.

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