Головна Новини
What to do if you have coronavirus?
What to do if you have coronavirus?
What to do if you have coronavirus?

Symptoms of coronavirus, according to WHO:

  • dry cough

  • fever

  • sore throat (sometimes)

  • shortness of breath (sometimes)

  • headache (sometimes)

  • muscle pain (sometimes)

  • weakness (sometimes).

Note that runny nose and diarrhea are rarely among the symptoms. However, there is often no sneezing

You are at risk if...

Most often, severe forms of the disease are observed in the elderly and people with health problems.

For example, people with:

  • diabetes;

  • cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure,

  • people with cancer and cancer patients.

  • For example, the mortality rate of people aged 80+ is 14.8%.

If you want to reduce your risk of infection, you should follow the recommendations

  • wash your hands,

  • avoid crowded places,

  • monitor your health, including chronic diseases.

Masks and respirators are recommended to be worn:

  • everyone who visits public cities;

  • people who already have signs of ARVI;

  • those who care about a sick person;

  • medical workers;

If you find yourself with symptoms of infection:

  • stay at home and call your doctor, he or she will decide if you need isolation and hospitalization

  • if you have a temperature above 38 degrees and have difficulty breathing - call an ambulance immediately.

  • if the coronavirus is confirmed, all necessary medical procedures will be carried out.

What will doctors do if a person with suspected coronavirus comes to them?

After calling or visiting a suspected patient, the doctor will ask him about the symptoms. Based on the anamnesis, they will determine whether they are signs of the virus. If confirmed, an ambulance will arrive and the person will be hospitalized at a designated hospital. There, they will test for antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. If the result is positive, the person will be hospitalized. The patient will be treated according to all modern protocols. Also, doctors will monitor those who have been in contact with this person.

What should relatives and friends do?

If the patient has already been hospitalized, there may still be viruses on surfaces at home. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning with a disinfectant solution.

In addition, in each confirmed case, the epidemiological service traces the contacts of the patient. And all people who have been in close contact with him are advised to spend 14 days in self-isolation.

Doctors monitor the condition of all contact persons during the incubation period. And if during this time no symptoms appear, the person is considered healthy and does not pose a threat to others.

If a person stays sick at home?

Usually, patients with coronavirus are not hospitalized if they have a mild course of the disease. Therefore, the patient should first be allocated a separate room. In addition, if possible, people from risk groups: pensioners, those with chronic illnesses, and children should be relocated from their homes for a certain period. If this is not possible, then try to isolate them from the patient as much as possible.

Only one person who cares for the patient can enter the room. But it should be a healthy person who does not belong to the risk groups.

When caring for a patient, you need to use personal protective equipment: a medical mask or respirator. After leaving the room, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and follow the general rules of prevention. Avoid contact with other people during the incubation period.

In addition, the room with the patient should be ventilated and damp cleaned with disinfectant twice a day. The patient should wear a mask or respirator all the time or at least during contact with others. Although even with such protection, the virus can still spread around the room.

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