Головна Підрозділи
Центр превентивної медицини
Центр превентивної медицини
Центр превентивної медицини
Час роботи

Mon - Fri from 8.00 to 17.00

       The Center for Preventive Medicine of the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region" (hereinafter - the CPM of the TMA) is a healthcare institution that does not have the status of a legal entity.

       The head of the TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is doctor Kostyuk Yunna Mykhailivna.

       Main directions of activity:

      - Implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the controlled territory to protect the health of police officers, employees of territorial police bodies and units, institutions subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, cadets of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their families.
       - Supervision of the sanitary and epidemiological state and compliance with the disinfection regime in the medical units of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, State Institution "Preschool educational institution (kindergarten) №69 (Kharkiv) of the National Police of Ukraine", State Institution "Children's health and recreation institution "Forest Fairy Tale" (Kharkiv) of the National Police of Ukraine".
       - Implementation of medical and sanitary measures (organizational, anti-epidemic, and preventive) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
       - Conducting bacteriological laboratory tests.

Керівник структурного підрозділу
Костюк Юнна Михайлівна
+380 (57) 732-39-55 - Office phone
61001, Kharkiv, Gagarina Ave. 19
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