Головна Підрозділи
Відділ інфекційного контролю
Відділ інфекційного контролю
Відділ інфекційного контролю
Час роботи

08:30 - 16:42 (Понеділок - П'ятниця)

       The Infection Control Department is a structural subdivision of the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region" (hereinafter - TMA).

       The main tasks of the Department are:

       - Development and implementation of infection prevention and infection control measures in the TMA in order to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including those associated with the provision of medical care.
       - Development of standard operating procedures and control over their implementation; monitoring and assessment of the risks of spreading infectious diseases.
       - Implementation of administration of antimicrobial drugs.
       - Implementation of new clinical protocols for empirical antimicrobial therapy and perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis.
       - Conducting training of the staff of the SI TMA on infection prevention and infection control.

+380 (57) 732-39-55 - Office pfone
61001, Kharkiv, Gagarina Ave. 19
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