Головна Підрозділи
Медична (військово-лікарська) комісія
Медична (військово-лікарська) комісія
Медична (військово-лікарська) комісія
Час роботи

08:30 - 15:00 (Понеділок - П'ятниця)

Garbar Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Chairman M(MM)C, doctor-neurologist
Garbar Lyudmila Nikolaevna

The main tasks of M(MM)C are:

  1. Determining the state of health, physical development, and for certain types of service activities - by individual psycho-physiological characteristics, the suitability of candidates for service in the police; candidates for admission to higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which train police officers, higher education institutions; suitability of police officers for further service when moving on duty; service on a business trip abroad;
  2. Determining the state of health and physical development of candidates for military service under a contract, in the military reserve; candidates for admission to higher educational institutions of the NMU, the degree of suitability of servicemen for military service in connection with their dismissal;
  3. Determining the causal relationship of diseases, injuries, traumas, contusions and injuries in police officers who are serving, dismissed and dismissed, NMU servicemen, former servicemen; former members of the rank and file and chief of police;
  4. Determining the causal relationship of diseases, injuries, traumas, contusions and injuries that caused the death of police officers, servicemen, former police officers, former servicemen, former members of the rank and file
+380 (47) 233-43-25 - Телефон
м. Черкаси, вул. Грузиненка, 1
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