Головна Пацієнтам
Implementation of the national strategy to create...
Implementation of the national strategy to create a barrier-free space in Ukraine

In order to implement the National Strategy for the creation of a barrier-free space in Ukraine, a safe barrier-free space for people with disabilities was created in the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region":

  • the entrance to inpatient departments is equipped with a ramp and a staff call button:

 the entrance to inpatient departments is equipped with a ramp and a staff call button

  • entrances to the institution's polyclinic are equipped with a staff call button:

entrances to the institution's polyclinic are equipped with a staff call button


  • a modern elevator for hospitals with 4 stops has been installed:

a modern elevator for hospitals with 4 stops has been installed

  •  information on the provision of medical services for the visually impaired is duplicated in Braille:

information on the provision of medical services for the visually impaired is duplicated in Braille


  • a toilet for people with reduced mobility has been installed:

a toilet for people with reduced mobility has been installed

a toilet for people with reduced mobility has been installed


  • in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up:

in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up



in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up


in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up

in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up


in the inpatient department, a ward for people with reduced mobility has been set up




description of facilities

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