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The state institution held an event on the topic:...
The state institution held an event on the topic: "Cooperation and communication to ensure social protection and support for victims and their family members"
The state institution held an event on the topic: "Cooperation and communication to ensure social protection and support for victims and their family members"

The state institution held an event on the topic: "Cooperation and communication to ensure social protection and support for victims and their family members"

 The purpose of the event is to ensure close cooperation between the social units of the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Cherkasy Oblast", GU NPU in Cherkasy Oblast, military unit 3061 NSU, military unit 1551, 9930 DPSU, GUDSNS in Cherkasy Oblast by the Department of Social Policy of the Cherkasy City Council, The Cherkasy Regional Branch of the Social Protection Fund for Persons with Disabilities, the Cherkasy Regional Employment Center, the Regional Coordinator in the Cherkasy Region of the Commissioner for Missing Persons under Special Circumstances of the Ministry of Reintegration of Ukraine, regarding social protection of family members of military personnel of the National State University of Ukraine and State Security Service, members of the rank-and-file and senior staff of the State Emergency Service , policemen who died (died), were injured, went missing, were captured or taken hostage and suffered as a result of the aggression of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - family members) regarding the rights, benefits, social guarantees established by the legislation of Ukraine.

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