Головна Всі послуги
Пункція суглоба
Пункція суглоба

This is a minimally invasive medical manipulation that involves a puncture with the penetration of a needle into the joint cavity and is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Puncture of the joint is a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, which is carried out in order to study the state of the fluid content of the joint with the help of a large, long needle, which is inserted into the joint cavity. Before the procedure, the needle insertion site is thoroughly disinfected with an alcohol solution and iodine. Puncture of the joint is performed according to the following indicators: • determination of the nature of the liquid content - exudate; • diagnosis of menisci condition after their damage; • the need to remove an excessive amount of exudate; • administration of antibiotics directly into the joint cavity; • administration of painkillers before dislocation management; • removal of air from the joint before the procedure of destruction of adhesion processes.

Послуга надається в:
Лабораторна діагностика
Вартість, грн
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