Головна Новини
Internship at DU "TMO of the Ministry of Internal...
Internship at DU "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn Region"

The basis for intern training can be diverse and depends on the specialization and place of study. Interns usually complete internships in hospitals, clinics, medical centers or other medical institutions under the guidance of experienced mentor doctors. Thus, for two years, the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region" was the training base for intern doctors specializing in "Internal diseases".

The internship base of interns can have various departments and units where interns get practical experience in treating patients. Our young intern doctors were trained in a hospital and polyclinic.

During the internship, the intern works under the guidance of an experienced therapist, gains practical experience in the treatment of various diseases, and learns methods of diagnosis and treatment. This stage provides an opportunity for a young doctor to gain practical experience in the chosen specialty under the guidance of experienced specialists.

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