Головна Про нас
Запобігання корупції
Запобігання корупції

Informational Reference, Corruption report



Following the order of the State Administration "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn Region" from 01.11.2022 No. 44 o/s, the performance of functions of implementation and implementation of measures regarding the prevention and detection of corruption offenses related to corruption in the "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn region" DU, entrusted to anti-corruption commissioner Tetyana Mykolaivna Galyan.






Dear whistleblower!

By calling: (099) 0329775, (0332) 721-090, or to the e-mail address [email protected] and [email protected], you can leave information about the commission of a corruption or corruption-related offense by officials of the State institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on Volynska oblast", in the presence of a reasonable belief that the information is reliable. Official website of the institution (electronic form for reporting corruption in the "Report corruption" section).The specified notification must contain factual data confirming the possible commission of a corruption or corruption-related offence, other violations of this Law and is subject to preliminary verification within a period of no more than ten working days, the results of which you will be informed within three days from the date of completion of the relevant checks

Based on the results of the preliminary inspection, the official responsible for conducting it makes one of the following decisions:

  • appoint an internal (official) inspection or investigation of information in case of confirmation of the facts stated in the message, or the need for further clarification of their authenticity;
  • to transfer materials to the pre-trial investigation body in the case of establishing signs of a criminal offense or to other bodies authorized to respond to detected offenses in the manner prescribed by the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine;
  • close the proceedings if the facts stated in the notice are not confirmed.

In the event that information is received about possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses or other violations of this Law that do not belong to the competence of the "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn region" you will be notified of this within three days without conducting preliminary inspection.

An internal (official) inspection or investigation based on a notification of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses or other violations of this Law shall be conducted within 30 days from the date of completion of the preliminary inspection. If it is impossible to check the reported information within the specified period, the period of checking or investigating the information is extended to 45 days, which you will be notified about.

In addition, we draw your attention!

Notification of possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of this Law may be made by an employee of the relevant body without indicating authorship (anonymously).

An anonymous report about possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of this Law is subject to consideration, if the information provided in it concerns a specific person, contains factual data that can be verified.

An anonymous report on possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of this Law is subject to verification within no more than 15 days from the day of its receipt. If it is not possible to verify the information contained in the notification within the specified period, the period for consideration of the notification is extended up to 30 days from the date of its receipt. In the case of confirmation of the information set out in the notification about possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of this Law, the management of the institution shall take measures to stop the detected violation, eliminate its consequences and bring the guilty persons to disciplinary responsibility, and in cases of detection of signs of criminal or of an administrative offense also informs a specially authorized subject in the field of anti-corruption.

Additionally, in addition to the above, you can use the Report on corruption form and send it to the post office!

Спеціально уповноважені суб'єкти:
Органи прокуратури (ГПУ)
(044) 200-75-70 - Інформація про реєстрацію вхідної кореспонденції
(044) 280-10-20 - Приймальня
[email protected]
вул. Різницька, 13/15, м. Київ,  01011, Україна
Національне антикорупційне бюро України (НАБУ)
(044) 246-34-11 - Звернення громадян
0-800-213-200 - Спеціальна телефонна лінія
[email protected]
вул. Дениса Монастирського, 3, Київ, 02000, Україна
Національна поліція України (НПУ)
0 800 50 02 02 - Гаряча лінія
+380 (44) 254-93-33 - Звернення громадян
[email protected]
вул. Академіка Богомольця, 10, м. Київ, 01601, Україна
Національне агентство з питань запобігання корупції (НАЗК)
+38 (044) 200-06-94 - Контакт-центр
[email protected]
бул. Миколи Міхновського, 28, Київ, 01103, Україна
Invitation of public representatives and experts to the working group on corruption risk assessment for 2023-2024
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