The anti-corruption program and the results of its...
The anti-corruption program and the results of its implementation
Appendix № 1 of the Anti-Corruption Program for 2020-2022
Appendix № 2 of the Anti-Corruption Program for 2020-2022
Order on the approval of the institution's Anti-corruption program for 2020-2022
Anti-corruption program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn Region" 2020-2022
The project of the Anti-corruption program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn region" for 2023-2025
Addendums to the project of the Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025
Order on the approval of the institution's Anti-corruption program for 2023-2025
Anti-corruption program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Volyn region" for 2023-2025
Appendix № 1 of the Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025
Appendix № 2 of the Anti-Corruption Program for 2023-2025
Report on the implementation of measures to influence corruption risks in the 2nd quarter of 2023
Report on the implementation of tasks and measures for the implementation of the principles of anti-corruption policy in the 1st half of 2023 for the years 2023-2025
Report on the implementation of measures to influence corruption risks in the 2nd half of 2023
Report on the implementation of tasks and measures for the implementation of the principles of anti-corruption policy in the 2nd half of 2023 for the years 2023-2025
Звіт про виконання ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Волинській області" заходів впливу на корупційні ризики у 1 півріччі 2024 року
Звіт про виконання ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Волинській області" завдань і заходів з реалізації засад антикорпційної політики у 1 півріччі 2024 року на 2023-2025 роки
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