Acts of anti-corruption legislation
Acts of anti-corruption legislation

Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

On the approval of the Rules of ethical and virtuous behavior of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine № 230 09.04.2024

International acts

The United Nations Convention against Corruption of October 31, 2003 was ratified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine  "On Ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption" of October 18, 2006 № 251-V

The Criminal Convention on Combating Corruption № ETS173 of January 27, 1999 was ratified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine  "On Ratification of the Criminal Convention on the Combating Corruption" of October 18, 2006 № 252-V

An additional protocol to the Criminal Convention on Combating Corruption of May 15, 2003 № ETS 191 was ratified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Criminal Convention on the Combating Corruption" of October 18, 2006 № 253-V

The Civil Convention on Combating Corruption of November 4, 1999 was ratified in accordance with the Law of Ukraine  “On Ratification of the Civil Convention on the Combating Corruption” of March 16, 2005 № 2476-IV

Agreement on the creation of a group of states on the fight against corruption (GRECO)

The statute of a group of states on the fight against corruption (Greco)

Codes of Ukraine

Criminal codex of Ukraine

Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses

Labor Code of Ukraine

Laws of Ukraine

About Prevention of Corruption of October 14, 2014 № 1700-VIII

On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine of October 14, 2014 № 1698-VIII

On the principles of anti-corruption policy in Ukraine (anti-corruption strategy) for 2014-2017 of October 14, 2014 № 1699-VIII

On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine in the field of state anti-corruption policy in connection with the implementation of the Action Plan for Liberalization of the European Union of Visa Regime for Ukraine of May 13, 2014 № 1261-VII

On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on determining the final beneficiaries of legal entities and public figures of October 14, 2014 № 1701-VIII

On the Civil Service of December 10, 2015 № 889-VIII

On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies of June 7, 2001 № 2493-III

On the purification of power of January 27, 2015 № 132-VII

On the National Police of July 2, 2015 № 580-VIII

On the Prosecutor's Office of October 14, 2014 № 1697-VIII

On the National Agency of Ukraine for the Detection, search and management of assets obtained from corruption and other crimes of November 10, 2015 № 772-VIII

Decrees of the President of Ukraine

On the formation of the National Anti -Corruption Bureau of Ukraine of April 16, 2015 № 217

On the National Council for Anti -Corruption Policy of October 14, 2014 № 808

On the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2011-2015 of October 21, 2011 № 1001

On the Strategy of Sustainable Development "Ukraine 2020" of January 12, 2015 № 5/2015

CMU Resolutions

Questions from preventing and detecting corruption dated September 4, 2013 № 706

On the amendments and recognition of some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in connection with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” of May 14, 2015 № 301

On approval of the State Program on the implementation of the principles of state anti -corruption policy in Ukraine (anti -corruption strategy) for 2015–2017 of April 29, 2015 № 265

On approval of the Procedure for conducting an official investigation against persons authorized to perform functions of the state or local self -government bodies of June 13, 2000 № 950

On approval of the Regulation on the Government Ombudsman № 949 of December 4, 2013

On amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the activities of the Government Commissioner for Anti -Corruption Policy of July 17, 2014 № 295

On approval of the Procedure for conducting a special inspection for persons claiming positions that provide for a responsible or especially responsible position and positions with high corruption risk, and amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 25, 2015 № 171 Implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Purification of Power” of October 16, 2014 № 563

Some issues of selection of candidates for the posts of members of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption of March 25, 2015 № 170

On approval of the order of organization and holding of a competition for the formation of the Public Council at the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption of March 25, 2015 № 140

On Approval of the Regulation on the National Police of October 28, 2015 № 877

On approval of the rules of ethical behavior of civil servants of February 11, 2016 № 65

On the formation of the National Agency of Ukraine for the detection, search and management of assets obtained from corruption and other crimes of February 24, 2016 № 104

Order of the CMU

On advanced training of civil servants and officials of local self-government on the prevention and counteraction of corruption in public service and service in local self-government bodies of July 6, 2011 № 642-p

On approval of the plan of priority measures to overcome corruption of July 2, 2014 № 647-p

On approval of the plan of inspections in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Purification of Power” of October 16, 2014 № 1025-p

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