Головна Підрозділи
Центр превентивної медицини
Центр превентивної медицини
Центр превентивної медицини
Час роботи

08:30 - 15:30 (Monday - Friday)

Kharchenko Eleanora Viktorovna

 Head of Preventive Medicine Center
Kharchenko Eleanora Viktorovna

Preventive medicine center structure:

Sanitary and Epidemic Department

Medicinal staff:                                

Radzievskiy Vitaliy Viktorovych Drumashko Oksana Mykolayivna
Dr. General Hygiene
Radzievskiy Vitaliy Viktorovych
Drumashko Oksana Mykolayivna

secondary medical staff: assistant to epidemiologist Bezugla Olena Pavlivna.


Bacteriological laboratory

Medicinal staff:

Sarapin Tamara Volodymyrivna
Dr. Bacteriologist
Sarapin Tamara Volodymyrivna

middle medical staff: Bacteriology laboratory assistant Kurinna Galyna Ivanivna .

The main tasks of the center:

Sanitary and epidemiological department

  • Determination of the category of employees subject to a preliminary (periodic) medical examination;
  • Sanitary-epidemiological survey of epidemically significant objects;
  • Provision of advisory assistance on the prevention and spread of infectious diseases;
  • Development and implementation of comprehensive preventive measures against the spread of infectious and especially dangerous diseases;
  • Planning and organization of epidemic immunoprophylaxis for contingents served at the SI "TMA";
  • Implementation of anti-epidemic measures in foci of infectious diseases.

Bacteriological laboratory

  • Prophylactic examination for carriers of pathogens of intestinal infections and Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Determination of pathogens of infectious diseases in biological material (smears from the nose, throat, eyes, ears, wounds, urine, genitals and other biological material), namely:
    • microorganisms of the genus Staphylococcus;
    • microorganisms of the genus Streptococcus;
    • microorganisms of the genus Enterobacteriaceae;
    • microorganisms of the genus Pseudomonadaceae;
    • microorganisms of the genus Corynebacterium;
    • fungi of the genus Sandida;
  • Examination of nasopharyngeal mucus for the presence of microorganisms of the genus Meningococcus;
  • Research on dysbacteriosis;
  • Determination of the sensitivity of cultures of microorganisms to chemotherapeutic drugs (antibiotics);
  • Sanitary and bacteriological research of drinking water of centralized water supply;
  • Sanitary and bacteriological examination of food products (prepared culinary products from public catering facilities);
  • Research of surgical material and medical products for sterility;
  • Detection of bacterial contamination of the human environment by the method of washings from environmental objects.
м. Черкаси, вул. Грузиненка, 1
Переглянути на мапі
Назва послуги
Вартість, грн
Виявлення бактеріального забруднення середовища життєдіяльності людини методом змивів на патогенну та умовно-патогенну мікрофлору
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