Institution history
Institution history

The history of departmental health service in Cherkassy region began with the formation of the Department of Internal Affairs. At all stages of its development and formation there were people-members who made a significant, invaluable contribution to the development of departmental medical service in Cherkassy region, thanks to whom today the institution is an independent multidisciplinary health care institution.

In 1955 at the Economic Department of Internal Affairs was founded Medical Sanitary Unit, where the first chief was a captain of medical service Pivovarova Tamara Mikhailovna, a member of the Great Patriotic War, from 1941 to 1943 worked as a doctor in the evacuation hospital, and from 1943 to 1945 in the rear hospital of Tomsk.

Since 1962, the chief of medical service was a captain of internal service Volodymyr Dmytrovych Gorb, who was replaced by Volodymyr Mykonovych Sydorenko in this position in 1969.

The staff of the medical service at that time was only up to 20 people. From the special equipment were: stomatological, radiological and physiotherapeutic. There was one ambulance at the disposal of the service.

Volodymyr Mykonovych Sydorenko

The main focus of the medical service was to provide IAB employees with qualified medical care in the outpatient setting. But there was no hospital of its own. Therefore, IAB employees and retirees often did not have an opportunity to receive sufficient in-patient medical care.

That is what prompted Vladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko to propose to the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs the construction of a separate room for the hospital. This proposal was supported by the then leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs, and was also well received and supported by the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The preparatory phase of construction was completed by the end of 1972.

In the summer of 1973 in a picturesque corner of Cherkassy - Sosnovka, among pine forests was started the construction of the hospital.

In the summer of 1973 in a picturesque corner of Cherkassy - Sosnovka, among pine forests was started the construction of the hospital

In the summer of 1973 in a picturesque corner of Cherkassy - Sosnovka, among pine forests was started the construction of the hospital

The construction was going on quite actively, despite considerable economic difficulties, thanks to understanding of the situation and assistance in difficult matters by the then Head of Administration of Internal Affairs P.S. Okhota and his deputy B.S. Bilogo. I wanted to have my own new hospital.

Simultaneously with the hospital the building of the place for sanitary-and-epidemiologic station was going on.

Simultaneously with the hospital the building of the place for sanitary-and-epidemiologic station was going on

In May 1976 a departmental Sanitary-Epidemiological Station was created. In the second half of 1976 the new building was completed.

In May 1976 a departmental Sanitary-Epidemiological Station was created. In the second half of 1976 the new building was completed

On November 1, 1976 the hospital at medical service of Department of Internal Affairs of Cherkassk region with 70 beds (40 therapeutic and 30 neurological) was put into operation.

The hospital was opened (on the photo the then Deputy Chief of Administration of Internal Affairs Borys Semenovich Bely cuts the ribbon*.

The hospital was opened (on the photo the then Deputy Chief of Administration of Internal Affairs Borys Semenovich Bely cuts the ribbon

and presents a symbolic key to the hospital to Nikolai Arsentyevich Vitk (center in the photo).

presents a symbolic key to the hospital to Nikolai Arsentyevich Vitk (center in the photo)

It was Nikolai Arsentievich who was appointed head of the hospital on October 1, 1976.

It was Nikolai Arsentievich who was appointed head of the hospital on October 1, 1976

But before starting to receive the patients, a lot of efforts still had to be made to improve the territory. These tasks were solved thanks to active participation of the majority of medical staff.

On November 10, 1976 (10 days after the hospital opening) the first patient was admitted to hospital.

On November 10, 1976 (10 days after the hospital opening) the first patient was admitted to hospital

Simultaneously with finishing construction and commissioning of the hospital, there was carried out meticulous work on recruiting future medical staff. The main requirements were high professionalism and sensitivity to the patient. The hospital staff included 73 medical workers.

Simultaneously with finishing construction and commissioning of the hospital, there was carried out meticulous work on recruiting future medical staff

Life was dictating its conditions, and not delaying for a long time to implement his plans, the Chief Medical Officer Vladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko again began to apply to the leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs to build the second stage - the treatment and polyclinic complex. And he succeeded. In 1978 the construction of a new polyclinic was started,

In 1978 the construction of a new polyclinic was started

which in 1982 was completed and put into operation. Clinic room for 300 visits per shift fully complied with modern, at that time, requirements.

Clinic room for 300 visits per shift fully complied with modern, at that time, requirements

After the polyclinic was put into operation, its staff increased up to 130 people.

In 1980 the medical service of the Department of Internal Affairs created a District Military Medical Commission.

It is worth mentioning, that from the beginning of the functioning of the medical service and in the following years the special attention was drawn to the qualification of the cadre.

It is worth mentioning, that from the beginning of the functioning of the medical service and in the following years the special attention was drawn to the qualification of the cadre

Regular trainings and conferences for doctors and nurses were conducted, the medical workers of the institution were introduced to new methods of diagnostics and treatment and their professionalism was improved.

Regular trainings and conferences for doctors and nurses were conducted

The incentive for constant improvement of their knowledge were competitions and professional contests,

The incentive for constant improvement of their knowledge were competitions and professional contests

such as "Best in Profession". The nurses in the photo are participants in one of these competitions.

The nurses in the photo are participants in one of these competitions

The winners and best workers were awarded certificates, diplomas and valuable gifts.

The winners and best workers were awarded certificates, diplomas and valuable gifts

In addition to the high professional qualities of medical service workers at all times were inherent in responsiveness, responsibility for the task assigned, the ability to come to the aid of other people.

They did not stand aside and at the time when in 1986 on our land came Bida - the whole world has witnessed an event when the peaceful atom turned into a big disaster, which took lives and health of many people, deprived hundreds of thousands of people to live on the land where they were born.

During 1986-1987, 14 employees of the medical service as part of the medical teams carried out duties on medical support for the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

During 1986-1987, 14 employees of the medical service as part of the medical teams carried out duties on medical support for the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident

After working for nearly a quarter of a century as head of the medical service and leaving in the history of its creation Vladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko passed the baton to Vladimir Grigorievich Zavoritnyy, then a captain of internal service, from September 1, 1993 to the present day heads the institution.

Vladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko passed the baton to Vladimir Grigorievich Zavoritnyy, then a captain of internal service, from September 1, 1993 to the present day heads the institution

Continuing the best traditions of departmental health care system for the team and the main priorities in the work and continue to provide quality, affordable, highly skilled medical care to employees, retired Interior Ministry, members of their families, responsive, attentive to the patient.

In 1994 the Center of psychiatric care and professional psychophysiological selection was created.

Since 2003 the employees of our institution in the structure of joint detachments from the employees of law-enforcement bodies and divisions of Cherkasy region and other regions annually provide with the qualified medical aid the employees of law-enforcement bodies at protection of public order during stay in Uman thousands of supporters of the Bratslav Hasidim religious movement at the Rosh Hashanah New Year celebration.

 medical aid the employees of law-enforcement bodies at protection of public order during stay in Uman thousands of supporters of the Bratslav Hasidim religious movement at the Rosh Hashanah New Year celebration

The first visit of the mobile medical brigade to Uman. Uman (2003).

The first visit of the mobile medical brigade to Uman. Uman (2003)

Mobile medical brigade workers with a doctor in Israel, Uman, 2005.

Mobile medical brigade workers with a doctor in Israel, Uman, 2005

I would like to note, that it is proved also by statistics: among medical workers there is a significant percent of people with creative abilities, people who are able not only to work well, but also to bring beauty in an everyday life.

In our institution also at all times there were and are such people. Pictured are members of an amateur art group (1985).

Pictured are members of an amateur art group (1985)

It is hard to imagine a single Svyato within the walls of our institution, where our colleagues did not participate. As an example: Christmas Carols, 2001.

It is hard to imagine a single Svyato within the walls of our institution, where our colleagues did not participate. As an example: Christmas Carols, 2001

In 2001, the Hospital celebrated its 25th anniversary. Pictured: Wladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko gives a welcoming speech.

In 2001, the Hospital celebrated its 25th anniversary. Pictured: Wladimir Nikonovich Sidorenko gives a welcoming speech

And here is a musical greeting from the vocal ensemble of medical service on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Hospital. 2001.

And here is a musical greeting from the vocal ensemble of medical service on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Hospital. 2001

Employees of medical service always felt a full understanding and support in solving difficult problems from the direction of the Department of Medical Support of the Ministry and the heads of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs.

Employees of medical service always felt a full understanding and support in solving difficult problems from the direction of the Department of Medical Support of the Ministry and the heads of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs

The selfless work and professionalism of the medical staff of the institution did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs both in everyday life and on holidays.

The selfless work and professionalism of the medical staff of the institution did not go unnoticed by the leadership of the Regional Department of Internal Affairs both in everyday life and on holidays

Every year on the occasion of the Day of Medical Worker the best employees received diplomas, gratitude and monetary rewards from the heads of the regional department.

Every year on the occasion of the Day of Medical Worker the best employees received diplomas, gratitude and monetary rewards from the heads of the regional department

In 2015, as a result of the reform of the law enforcement system, there were significant organizational changes in its structure.

The departmental medical service also underwent such changes. In November 2015, the institution was reorganized and renamed into the State Institution "Territorial Medical Association of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Cherkasy region.

In the fall of 2016, the institution celebrated its 40th anniversary.

In the fall of 2016, the institution celebrated its 40th anniversary

Former and current employees of the medical service gathered to celebrate.

Vasiliy Ivanovich Korobka, head of the Health and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, came to congratulate the staff on the event, presented awards to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and thanked them for their significant contribution to the development of departmental medicine.

Vasiliy Ivanovich Korobka, head of the Health and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, came to congratulate the staff on the event

Vasiliy Ivanovich Korobka, head of the Health and Rehabilitation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, came to congratulate the staff on the event

The solemn meeting was also attended by representatives of the State Administration of Emergency Situations in Cherkassy region, in particular - Viktor Mikhailovich Ivanko, the deputy head of the regional Administration of Emergency Situations in Cherkassy region, who also congratulated the staff of the institution on the anniversary and presented the commendations from the Administration of Emergency Situations in Cherkassy region.

Viktor Mikhailovich Ivanko, the deputy head of the regional Administration of Emergency Situations in Cherkassy region, who also congratulated the staff of the institution on the anniversary and presented the commendations from the Administration of Emergency Situations in Cherkassy region

During its existence, the institution has always had a friendly staff, which combined and continues to combine to this day the wise experience of veterans and energetic ardor of young people.

Now the institution has a team of specialists in their field, which, continuing the traditions of departmental medicine, is the guardian of the health of police officers, members of the National Guard and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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