Addition information. Clinic
Addition information. Clinic
Odintsova Olena Serhiivna

Deputy head of the hospital (with a polyclinic) for the polyclinic division of work,
a doctor-surgeon of the highest category
Odintsova Olena Serhiivna

Dyshliuk Iryna Vasylivna

Senior nurse of the polyclinic
Dyshliuk Iryna Vasylivna

Medicinal composition:

Chepchur Yulia Dmytrivna Bereza Valentyna Mykolayivna Labunets Iryna Yuriivna
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the first category
Chepchur Yulia Dmytrivna
Gastroenterologist of the highest category
Bereza Valentyna Mykolayivna
Doctor-dermatovenereologist of the first category
Labunets Iryna Yuriivna
Odnoromanenko Nataliya Anatoliivna Danko Tetyana Volodymyrivna Prysyazhna Kateryna Vitaliivna
Cardiologist of the highest category
Odnoromanenko Nataliya Anatoliivna
Neurologist of the highest category
Danko Tetyana Volodymyrivna
Prysyazhna Kateryna Vitaliivna
Buryachenko Dmytro Vyacheslavovych Yakubovska Olesya Mykolayivna Anokhina Kristina Leonidivna
Buryachenko Dmytro Vyacheslavovych
Specialist pathologist
Yakubovska Olesya Mykolayivna
Anokhina Kristina Leonidivna
Lytvyn Olena Valeriivna Kashchenko Oleg Vitaliyovych Harmash Ksenia Oleksandrivna
Dentist of the first category
Lytvyn Olena Valeriivna
Kashchenko Oleg Vitaliyovych
Harmash Ksenia Oleksandrivna
Kononenko Nataliya Veremiivna Kormosh Mykhailo Mykhailovych Logvynenko Liudmyla Andriivna
Doctor-therapist of the highest category
Kononenko Nataliya Veremiivna
Doctor-therapist of the highest category
Kormosh Mykhailo Mykhailovych
Doctor-therapist of the first category
Logvynenko Liudmyla Andriivna
Ortynska Olena Dmytrivna Golubenko Eduard Yuriyovych Sydorenko Olha Oleksandrivna
Doctor-therapist of the first category
Ortynska Olena Dmytrivna
Urologist of the highest category
Golubenko Eduard Yuriyovych
Sydorenko Olha Oleksandrivna


The purpose of the Polyclinic:

Provision of guaranteed free qualified outpatient medical care, including emergency, primary, secondary (specialized) to persons entitled to medical care in health care institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and other citizens in accordance with the current tariffs for paid services provided by the institution.             

 Areas of activity of the Polyclinic

examination of temporary incapacity for work, selection for sanatorium-resort treatment, medical examinations, medical and diagnostic work 

1. Therapeutic and diagnostic work

The polyclinic with a capacity of 300 visits per shift provides medical assistance in 13 medical specialties, namely: therapy, pediatrics, infectious diseases, neurology, gynecology, surgery, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, dermatology, urology, dentistry, cardiology, occupational pathology.



Pathology is diagnosed and treated:

  • Cardiovascular system;
  • Respiratory organs;
  • Gastrointestinal tract (with FGS);
  • Endocrine system (including diabetes, thyroid pathology);
  • Kidney disease;
  • Diseases of the locomotor system and diseases of the connective system.



Prevention and treatment of childhood diseases (from the age of three).



Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system are carried out:

  • Diseases of cerebral vessels (encephalopathy, consequences of strokes and transient ischemic attacks);
  • Migraine, chronic headache;
  • Diseases of intervertebral discs, osteochondrosis, impressions of peripheral nerves (radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia);
  • Insomnia, dizziness, vegetative-vascular dystonia.



  • Diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases (hypertensive disease, ischemic heart disease, heart rhythm and conduction disorders, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis);
  • Selection and referral of patients with cardiac pathology for consultation and treatment to health care institutions of the region and Ukraine for the provision of tertiary (highly specialized) medical care (for coronary ventriculography, electrophysiological examination of the heart, coronary artery stenting, aortocoronary shunting and prosthetic heart valves) .



Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of external and internal genital organs in women is carried out.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Colposcopy;
  • Taking swabs from the cervical canal and vagina for microscopic, cytological and bacteriological examination;
  • Collection of biomaterial for biopsy;
  • Intrauterine spiral insertion;
  • Removal of the IUD "by the antennae" or by the instrumental method;
  • Diathermocoagulation of the cervix and diathermocoagulation of condylomas, papillomas of the external genitalia;
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy by vacuum aspiration.



Diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases and trauma pathology is carried out.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Dynamometry;
  • Opening and drainage of phlegmon, panaritium, paronychia, abscess, boil and carbuncle, purulent bursitis, hematoma, atheroma, purulent callus;
  • Removal of the nail plate, ingrown nail, lipoma, atheroma (including atheroma of the scalp), benign skin neoplasms (warts, papilloma), including by the electrocoagulation method and using the surgical diode laser "LIKA-surgeon";
  • Primary processing of soft tissues (PHO);
  • Application of secondary sutures to the wound, removal of sutures;
  • Puncture (medical and diagnostic) of a joint, bursa, cyst, hematoma
    Digital examination of the rectum;
  • Video rectosigmoidoscopy using a modern video endoscope Dr. Camscope DCS-103R Pro;
  • Applying a mobilization bandage for sprained and ruptured ligaments, removing the cast.



Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the ear, nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and adjacent areas are carried out.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Blowing the ear according to the Politser method;
  • Catheterization of the auditory tube, massage of the mouth of the auditory tube (pneumomassage);
  • Hearing test with tuning fork and whisper talk and audiometer  Auditus-A1;
  • Video endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx using a video endoscope Dr. Camscope DCS-103R Pro;
  • Primary surgical treatment of the wound of the external ear, opening of the furuncle of the external ear;
  • Washing of lacunae of the tonsils, lubrication of the tonsils, introduction of ointments into the lacunae, and injection of drugs into the tissue of the tonsils, into the back wall of the pharynx;
  • Primary surgical treatment of nasal wounds, dissection of synechiae of the nasal cavity;
  • Puncture of the maxillary sinus;
  • Removal of a foreign body of the external auditory canal, mucous membrane of the pharynx and tonsils;
  • Examination of the vestibular function by the Barani method;
  • Taking a smear from the nose and throat, ears for bacteriological examination.



Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye and its appendages are carried out.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Determination of visual acuity, vision correction, selection of glasses;
  • Examination of the fundus (ophthalmoscopy);
  • Tonometry of the eye (intraocular pressure) using a non-contact pneumotonometer HNT-1;
  • Biomycoscopy of the eye;
  • Perimetry (determination of visual fields);
  • Skiascopy;
  • Refractometry of the eye;
  • Performing parabulbar injections;
  • Epilation of eyelashes;
  • Removal of a corneal foreign body;
  • Sampling of secretions from the eyes for microflora.



Diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the skin, as well as its appendages: hair and nails, including neoplasms (papilomas, nevi) are carried out.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Collection of secretions from the wound for microflora;
  • Balzer's test (diagnosis of fungal diseases);
  • Dermatoscopy;
  • Removal of benign skin neoplasms (warts, papillomas), including by the method of electrocoagulation and the use of a surgical diode laser "LIKA-surgeon".



Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems of men and the urinary system of women.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Catheterization of the urinary bladder and evacuation of its contents;
  • Urethral instillation;
  • Catheter installation and removal;
  • Examination of male genital organs (collection of biomaterial for examination of the prostate and urethra);
  • Cystoscopy.


Professional pathology

  • outpatient professional pathological assistance to persons suspected of occupational diseases and persons with occupational diseases;
  • consultations of patients with suspected occupational diseases on the referrals of doctors of other specialties of other medical institutions;
  • determination of health measures (recommendations) with the aim of preventing occupational diseases for employees who undergo preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations: dynamic examination and treatment, rehabilitation, dispensary supervision of the health status of workers at risk of occupational diseases, temporary transfer on health grounds for another job.



Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth, oral cavity and adjacent structures.

The following diagnostic and treatment procedures are carried out in the office:

  • Removal of soft plaque from all teeth;
  • Removal of tartar, plaque by an instrumental method from all teeth or with the help of an ultrasonic device;
  • Treatment of a tooth with surface, medium caries and deep caries with filling;
  • Treatment of pulpitis, pulpotomy, extirpation of the pulp from the tooth root;
  • Restoration of a destroyed crown of a tooth by filling with a composite material, with the help of a wire frame, anchor pins, plastic or composite material or light polymer material;
  • Treatment of periodontal diseases;
  • Treatment of acute forms of stomatitis (OGS, RGS, candidiasis, traumatic injury, etc.);
  • Removal of a tooth is simple, according to orthodontic indications, of a temporary tooth;
  • Treatment of alveolitis with fossa curettage, drug treatment of alveolitis, pericoronaritis;
  • Dissection of the abscess followed by drainage, primary surgical treatment of the wound;
  • Gum coagulation.

2. Medical examinations 

1.    Medical examinations of vehicle drivers.

Medical examinations of vehicle drivers

Conducting preliminary and periodic preventive medical examinations of employees of certain professions, industries and organizations whose activities are related to public service and may lead to the spread of infectious diseases, and issuing them personal medical books (Form No. 1-OMK).

Medical examination of driver candidates and drivers of vehicles is carried out in order to determine a person's suitability for safe driving of vehicles, taking into account the list of diseases and defects in which a person cannot be allowed to drive the corresponding vehicles.

A medical certificate for drivers in the form 083/о is required in the following cases:

  • Passing maintenance (technical inspection);

  • Passing the exam for the right to drive a vehicle for all categories;

  • Renewal of driver's license and other similar documents;

  • Restoration of lost driver's licenses and other similar documents.

Medical examination includes: general examination by specialists of the medical commission, laboratory and functional examination (general analysis of blood and urine, blood sugar analysis, ECG, examination of acuity and visual fields, examination of the vestibular apparatus, determination of blood group and Rh factor). In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, the specialists of the medical commission assign individual additional examinations to the person. When conducting a medical examination, the results of a mandatory preventive narcological examination of a person and data on his stay on psychiatric records at the place of residence are taken into account.

According to the result of the preliminary (periodic) medical examination, the medical commission issues a Medical certificate in the form 083/o. The commission for medical examinations of vehicle drivers works on the basis of a hospital (with a polyclinic) of the TMO.

The list of documents necessary for the admission of driver candidates and vehicle drivers to undergo a medical examination:

  • Passport of a person who wants to undergo a medical examination;
  • Certificate of preventive psychiatric examination - form 122-2/o;
  • Certificate of passing a preventive narcological examination - form 140/o;
  • Two 3 cm size photos. x 4 cm.


2.    Medical examinations of a medical certificate for obtaining a permit (license) for an object of the permit system

Medical examinations of a medical certificate for obtaining a permit (license) for an object of the permit system

A medical certificate for obtaining a permit (license) for an object of the permit system (f. N 127/o (accounting)) is the only document issued to a citizen by the medical and advisory commission after a medical examination in order to resolve the issue of the presence or absence of medical contraindications to obtain a permit (license) for the object of the permit system in accordance with the resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 12, 1992 No. 576 "On approval of the Regulation on the permit system" and dated September 7, 1993 No. 706 "On the procedure for sale, purchase, registration, accounting and use of special means of self-defense, charged with substances of lachrymatory and irritating action'.
The issue of issuing a medical certificate is decided by the medical advisory commission, which includes: the chairman of the commission, a therapist, a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist, and an ophthalmologist. The list of laboratory and functional examinations includes the mandatory scope (general blood and urine analysis, blood sugar analysis, ECG, examination of acuity and visual fields), as well as individual additional examinations prescribed by doctors - members of the medical advisory commission. When deciding the issue of issuing a medical certificate, the results of a citizen's mandatory preventive narcological examination, data on the citizen's stay on psychiatric records must be taken into account.

List of documents required for a medical examination:

  1. Passport of a person who wants to undergo a medical examination.
  2. Certificate of preventive psychiatric examination - form 122-2/o.
  3. Certificate of passing a preventive narcological examination - form 140/o.
  4. Two 3 cm size photo cards. x 4 cm.


3.    Conducting preliminary and periodic preventive medical examinations of employees of certain professions, industries and organizations whose activities are related to public service and may lead to the spread of infectious diseases, and issuing them personal medical books (Form No. 1-OMK).

Conducting preliminary and periodic preventive medical examinations

Conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of persons working in heavy jobs, jobs with harmful or dangerous working conditions or those where there is a need for professional selection and medical examination of persons under the age of 21.

The purpose of mandatory preventive medical examinations is to prevent the spread of infectious and dangerous diseases, dynamic monitoring of the state of health of the working population.
Mandatory preventive medical examination includes: general examination by specialist doctors (therapist, dermatovenerologist, otolaryngologist, dentist and other specialists (if necessary), laboratory and functional examination according to the List of necessary examinations by doctors specialists, types of clinical, laboratory and other studies necessary for mandatory medical examinations, and the frequency of their conduct, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated July 23, 2002 No. 280, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 8, 2002 under No. 639/6927.
In some cases, individual additional examinations are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

List of documents required for a medical examination:

  • Passport of the person wishing to undergo a medical examination;
  • Photo card size 3 cm. x 4 cm.

4.    Conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of persons working in difficult jobs, jobs with harmful or dangerous working conditions or those where there is a need for professional selection and medical examination of persons under the age of 21.

Preliminary medical examination. At the time of hiring, a mandatory preliminary medical examination is carried out.

Its purpose:

  • determine the employee's state of health and register health indicators. Based on this review, the employee's ability to perform professional duties in a specific production environment without deterioration of health is determined;
  • detection of occupational diseases (poisonings) that occurred earlier during work at previous productions, and prevention of production-related and occupational diseases (poisonings).

The list of general medical contraindications to work with harmful and dangerous factors of the production environment and labor process is given in Appendix 6 to List No. 246.

To undergo a medical examination, the employee submits to the Commission:

  • Referral issued by the employer according to the established Form (Appendix No. 3 of the Procedure for conducting medical examinations of employees of certain categories, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 246 dated 05.21.2007);
  • Passport or other document certifying his identity;
  • Medical card of the outpatient patient from the place of permanent care;
  • Employees who are required to undergo primary and periodic preventive narcological examinations must provide the Commission with a certificate of passing a preventive narcological examination;
  • Employees for whom preliminary and periodic psychiatric examinations are mandatory must provide the Commission conducting the medical examination with a certificate of passing a preliminary (periodic) psychiatric examination;
  • Employees employed in jobs requiring professional selection must provide the Commission, which conducts a medical examination, with the conclusion of a psychophysiological examination.


3. Selection for sanatorium-resort treatment

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 14.12.2015 No. 1568 "On approval of the Procedure for preferential rehabilitation, sanatorium-resort treatment, recovery and rest in medical rehabilitation centers, sanatoriums, rest houses, boarding houses and health facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for police officers, certain other categories of persons and members of their families" have the right to free medical and medical-psychological rehabilitation:

  • police officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police of Ukraine (hereinafter - the National Police), who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and took a direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, ensuring its conduct and were directly in the areas of the anti-terrorist operation;
  • police officers and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were injured in the performance of official duties and/or need continued treatment after inpatient treatment.

For discounted sanatorium-resort treatment, recovery and rest:

  • police officers and members of their families (wife (husband), children up to 18 years of age, and in the case of their studies at higher educational institutions - up to 23 years of age);
  • citizens of Ukraine from the number of former policemen who were dismissed from service due to health, age, in connection with the reduction of the staff, who were assigned a pension on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons dismissed from military service and some other persons" and members of their families (wife (husband), children up to 18 years of age, and in the case of their studies in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years of age) - once a year;
  • citizens of Ukraine from the number of former rank-and-file and senior members of the internal affairs bodies, who were dismissed from service due to health, age, in connection with the reduction of staff, who were assigned a pension on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons dismissed from military service, and some other persons", and members of their families (wife (husband), children up to 18 years of age, and in the case of their studies in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years of age) - once a year;
  • family members of police officers who died (died) during police service - once every two years on a free basis (wife (husband), if she (he) did not marry (did not marry) a second time, children under 18 years of age, and in the case of their studies at higher educational institutions - up to 23 years old, as well as children - disabled since childhood (regardless of age), who are assigned a pension in case of loss of breadwinner on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons released from military service and some other persons");
  • family members of former rank-and-file members of internal affairs bodies who died in the line of duty - once every two years on a free basis (wife (husband), if she (he) has not remarried, children up to 18 years of age, and in the case of their studies in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years of age, as well as children - disabled since childhood (regardless of age), who are assigned a pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner on the basis of the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons released from military service, and some other persons");
  • civil servants and employees of educational institutions, medical, scientific institutions and support institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the National Police from the number of former police officers who, as of the date of publication of the Law of Ukraine "On the National Police", were serving in internal affairs bodies and had calendar service of at least five years and continued to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the National Police (their territorial bodies, establishments and institutions) in positions filled by civil servants in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service", and in educational, medical institutions, welfare institutions and research institutions - in any positions, and members of their families (wife (husband), children up to 18 years old, and in the case of their studies in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years old);
  • citizens of Ukraine from the number of former police officers specified in the sixth paragraph of this clause, who have been assigned a pension based on the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons discharged from military service and certain other persons", and members of their families (wife (husband), children up to 18 years, and in the case of their studies in higher educational institutions - up to 23 years);
  • civil servants in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and other employees of bodies, institutions, institutions of the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs who do not belong to the categories of citizens specified in paragraphs one to eight of this clause.

The following documents MUST be submitted in order to register for a sanatorium-resort voucher:

  • report/application for sanatorium-resort treatment/recovery and rest;
  • a copy of the service (pension) certificate and passport (for the wife (husband) - passport);
  • certificate of form No. 070/o (issued by the polyclinic doctor);
  • a copy of a marriage certificate, a copy of a child's birth certificate - when receiving a permit for family members;
  • a copy of the certificate of a large family - for large families;
  • extract from the dismissal order;
  • to pensioners, a certificate from the pension fund authorities on receipt of a pension in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons released from military service and certain other persons";
  • for victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a certificate from the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population on the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment in the current year;
  • a certificate from an educational institution - to confirm the fact of studying full-time in higher educational institutions (for family members, over 18 years of age);
  • copies of documents certifying the right to benefits.

When submitting copies of certificates, their originals are provided for verification.

When receiving a permit, it is mandatory to have it with you:

  • The conclusion of the medical selection commission of the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Cherkasy Region";
  • Medical certificate form 0.70/o;
  • Sanatorium - resort card (form 072/o);
  • Certificate from the head office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine in Cherkasy region (Smilyanska St., 23, 5th floor, room 50) about being registered at the head office of the Pension Fund of Ukraine as a recipient of a pension for years of service in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On pension provision of persons , released from military service, and some other persons". (Resolution of the CMU dated 04/27/2011 No. 446);
  • A certificate from the Administration for the Protection of the Population from the Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant stating that you did not use a pass in the current year (for participants of the LNA at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant category 1-2);
  • Pension or service certificate;
  • Document confirming the benefit;
  • Passport (for family members);
  • Employment book (for working pensioners).

Medical examinations of vehicle drivers.

Work schedule of the commission: from Monday to Friday.
From 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Secretary of the Commission - Office No. 303

Conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of persons working in heavy jobs, jobs with harmful or dangerous working conditions or those where there is a need for professional selection and medical examination of persons under the age of 21.

Working hours of the commission: from Monday to Friday.
From 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Office No. 303

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