Лікування та реабілітація
Лікування та реабілітація
Медична реабілітація –
це комплекс процедур, метою яких є відновлення здоров’я, працездатності,
усунення наслідків перенесеної хвороби, травми, операції, тощо. У кожному
окремому випадку потрібен особливий професійний підхід для досягнення
максимально ефективного результату.

In 2022, a rehabilitation department was established at the hospital (with a polyclinic) of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kirovohrad Oblast" to provide physical rehabilitation for wounded Ukrainian defenders, as well as patients with injuries and their consequences, diseases of the nervous system, degenerative and dystrophic diseases of the joints and spine, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, etc. Physical rehabilitation includes physical exercises and classes with the use of exercise equipment, massage, and physiotherapy procedures. An individual physical rehabilitation plan is drawn up in each case. In the hospital's outpatient clinic (with a polyclinic), rehabilitation is provided mainly at the level of stage II, but in some cases, in the inpatient department of the hospital, there are wounded who receive care that corresponds to the level of stage I rehabilitation. The duration of treatment in the rehabilitation department, which is necessary to restore health and ability to work in accordance with the treatment profile and the specifics of the disease, is determined by the attending physician and should last at least 14 days. Later, in patients with complex combined injuries and traumas, the rehabilitation period may continue mainly on an outpatient basis for a month to a year.

The main goal of rehabilitation is to help a person after an injury or wound to function as effectively as possible. And to have as few limitations in everyday life as possible.

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  • написати нам на наш email [email protected];
  • особисто відвідати наш заклад. 3, Heroiv-Sviatlyvnykiv Str., Kropyvnytskyi, Kirovohrad Oblast, 25030
Наші переваги
  • Individual approach to each patient
  • Application of modern and proven methods of treatment
  • Comprehensive approach to recovery
  • Psychological assistance
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