Public discussions
Public discussions
Project of the Anti-corruption program of SI "TMU" for 2020-2022. Appendix 2 to the Report on the results of the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the SI "TMU"
Project of the Anti-corruption program of SI "TMU" for 2020-2022. Appendix 2 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMU" for 2020-2022
Project of the Anti-corruption program of SI "TMU" for 2020-2022. Appendix 2 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMU" for 2020-2022
Project of the Anti-corruption program of SI "TMU" for 2020-2022. Appendix 1 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMU" for 2020-2022
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes). Appendix 2 to the Report on the results of the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the SI "TMA" (with changes)
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes). Appendix 1 to the Report on the results of the assessment of corruption risks in the activities of the SI "TMA" (with changes)
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes). Appendix 2 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes)
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes). Appendix 1 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes)
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2023-2025. Appendix 2 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMA" for 2023-2025
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2023-2025. Appendix 1 to the project of the Anti-corruption program of the SI "TMA" for 2023-2025
Project of the Anti-corruption program of SI "TMU" for 2020-2022
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2020-2022 (with changes)
Project of the Anti-corruption Program of SI "TMA" for 2023-2025
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