Anti-corruption programs
Anti-corruption programs
Appendix No. 2 to the report
Appendix No. 1 to the report
Reports on the progress of activities and tasks for 2020
Report on the implementation of measures of the Anti-corruption program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with the established indicators for the I - III quarters of 2021
Report on the progress of tasks and measures to prevent and counter corruption in the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia region" for the first half of 2021
Report on the implementation of measures of the Anti-Corruption Program of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in accordance with the established indicators for the II half of 2021
Report on the progress of tasks and measures to prevent and counter corruption in the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Vinnytsia region" for the first half of 2022
Table of estimated corruption risks and measures to eliminate them in 2022
Appendix 2 to the 2020-2022 Anti-corruption Program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Vinnytsia Region"
Appendix 1 to the 2020-2022 Anti-corruption Program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Vinnytsia Region"
Anti-corruption program of the "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the Vinnytsia region" for 2020-2022
Order No. 7 dated February 27, 2020 "On the approval of the Anti-corruption program of the State Administration of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for Vinnytsia Region" for 2020-2022
Order No. 5 dated January 24, 2022 "On Amendments to the Anti-Corruption Program of the State Administration "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for Vinnytsia Oblast" for 2020-2022"
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