Information and reference materials
Information and reference materials



Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q2 2023
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q1 2023
Channels through which it is possible to report possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption" in the institution
Compliance with the requirements of ethical behavior and integrity
Implementation of mechanisms of encouragement and formation of a culture of reporting on possible facts of corruption or corruption-related offenses, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption", "Regulations on the implementation in SI "TMA" of mechanisms of encouragement of whistleblowers and formation of a culture of reporting on possible facts of corruption or offenses related to corruption, other violations of the Law of Ukraine "On Prevention of Corruption"
Liability for violation of requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest and restrictions on the prevention of corruption
Corruption whistleblower. Concepts, rights and guarantees of protection
Restrictions on the use of official powers or one's position in the SI "TMA"
Corruption in the field of health care. The possibility of obtaining an illegal benefit by employees of medical institutions
Prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest
Legally defined entities that carry out measures in the field of prevention and counteraction of corruption in Ukraine
Declaration and submission of other documents to the Registry during martial law
Prevention of the emergence of corruption risks in a medical institution that belongs to the sphere of administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q3 2019
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q4 2019
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest durin April 2021
Corruption whistleblower. Concepts, rights and guarantees of protection
Restrictions on the use of official powers or one's position
Restrictions on receiving gifts
List of corruption offenses and offenses related to corruption for which criminal, administrative, disciplinary liability is established by law
Corruption in the field of health care. The possibility of obtaining an illegal benefit by employees of medical institutions
Public anti-corruption strategies
Prevention and regulation conflict of interest
Methodical recommendations on conflict of interest settlement in employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system
Booklet "Advisor to whistleblowers. Don't be silent, I'll tell you"
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q1 2024
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q4 2023
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q3 2023
Information bulletin about the protocols on administrative offenses drawn up by the NAKC and prescriptions made regarding signs of violations of requirements related to the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest during Q2 2024
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